In 2022 AKWEL posts consolidated revenue of €988.5m

In 2022 AKWEL posts consolidated revenue of €988.5m and a growth of 7.1% compared to 2021. Turnover up by 11.3% on a like-for-like basis Current operating income projected to decline by around 40% Net cash position of €115.1m Read the press release

The AKWEL Family Group celebrates 50 years of industrial

To mark its 50th anniversary, AKWEL is revisiting the half-century that made its history. In 1972 in Champfromier (Ain), the Coutier brothers, André, Joseph and Roger, founded the company Coutier SARL, a subcontractor specialising in the production of plastic parts, at a time when the automotive industry was the leading economic sector in France. From … Leer más

Turnover for the 3rd quarter of 2022

In the third quarter of 2022, AKWEL posted a consolidated turnover of €251.1m, up by +18.7% on the previous year when comparing published figures and by +22.3% when taking exchange rates and scope as constants. In a still difficult market context, the group has confirmed the gradual recovery in its activity, but it is still … Leer más

Mathieu Coutier, Presidente del Consejo de Administración de AKWEL, comparte con nosotros su visión del vehículo del mañana

Mathieu Coutier, Presidente del Consejo de Administración de AKWEL, comparte con nosotros su visión del vehículo del mañana y posiciona a AKWEL como un proveedor de automoción líder capaz de responder a los cambios del futuro. Si quiere saber más sobre el mundo del automóvil del futuro, descubra las opiniones de los expertos de Roland … Leer más

El centro de Monteux gana el primer desafío interentidades de AKWEL

En AKWEL, ¡fomentamos la creatividad y la participación de nuestros equipos! Lanzamos nuestro primer reto interno internacional a todas nuestras entidades: «todos juntos» con motivo del 50 aniversario del Grupo AKWEL. Les pedimos que representaran la «Misión de AKWEL» (ser un proveedor TIER-ONE de confianza para nuestros clientes para ayudarles a fabricar productos MÁS FIABLES, … Leer más

AKWEL posts net earnings of €1.9M in the first half of 2022

In a context affected by significant prices inflation, gross operating surplus was down 34.6% to €42.3 m, and current operating income fell by 64.6% to €17.7 m, i.e. a current operating margin of 3.6% of turnover, down by 6.7 points. Financial income fell by €9.4 m as a result of the application of the IAS … Leer más

AKWEL celebra 50 años, 1972-2022

Hoy es un gran día para el Grupo, que celebra su 50º aniversario. Para conmemorar este aniversario, visite el Museo Virtual y Experiencial de AKWEL. Viaje a través de la historia de la familia Coutier y de 50 años de aventura industrial hasta la visión de Mathieu Coutier para los años venideros. Déjese llevar, paso … Leer más

Stable turnover figures for the 1st half of 2022

AKWEL has posted consolidated turnover of €488.1m in the first half of 2022, stable compared with the first half of 2021 : 5% like-for-like increase Outperformed the global market Sharp decline in current operating income expected over the 2022 financial year Read the press release

Turnover for the 1st quarter of 2022

AKWEL has reported consolidated turnover of €245.8m in the first quarter of 2022, down by 10.1% compared to the first quarter of 2021. In this unfavourable  international context, AKWEL limited its decline in activity to -4.4% on a like-for-like basis, which is comparable to the decline in global automotive production (-4.2%). Read the press release

In 2021, AKWEL posts net earnings of €51.2 M

In 2021, AKWEL posts net earnings of €51.2 M and a growth of 2.8%. Current operating margin of 8.2% Gross cash flow of €167.4 M Proposition to maintain dividend at €0.45 per share Read the Press release